14 July, 2008

refrigerator round-up - or holy cow, whole grains!

okay, like most of my recipes, this one is another "stacha-in-my-head"...as jane's mum used to say, which is a fancy way of saying, i made it all up from scratch. fiber never tasted so good.


½- ¾ cup whole wheat berries
½- ¾ cup wild rice
1-2 carrots, cut into cubes
1-2 celery ribs, cut into cubes
1 orange pepper, cut into cubes
1 yellow pepper, cut into cubes
1 small bunch cilantro, chopped
½- ¾ cup dried cherries
splash of walnut oil
juice of 1 lemon


in two separate pots boil the wheat berries and wild rice with just enough water to cover each by approximately 1-2 inches. When the water is boiling, season each with just a pinch of salt. Boil both for approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour until all the liquid has cooked out. [if the grain is getting too soft, and there is still too much liquid…pour out the excess and boil down] for the fluffiest grains, evaporate the water and turn off the heat. Cover each pot with a towel between the pot and the lid, and let the grain steam until fluffy and tender in its own heat.

When the grains are sufficiently drained, add to a large mixing bowl and combine all of the following ingredients.

Finish with the splash of walnut oil [simply, no other oil will do…trust me, the buttery-ness of this delectable liquid is worth every penny]. Slice 1 whole lemon in half and squeeze over the salad.

Prepare to eat more than you thought you would.

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