14 July, 2008

neuf semaines de découverte: finis ou vingt-trois.

and now, i've reached our 23rd thing, and so our journey draws nigh the end. with joy, i've ventured through each new week, and with joy i'd gladly do it again.

i'd have to say among the things we've explored as a group, i've firstly enjoyed the opportunity to document my progress as a blog...and thus have access to a more creative work process. beyond that, our exercises gave me the opportunity to explore rss feeds, podcasts, and other things i'd often seen, but never taken the time to pore through any explanation long enough to utilize the technology for myself.

i thoroughly enjoy my bloglines account...talk about a clean, easy way of keeping abreast of so, so much information...staying on top of the topics and blogs that interest me is now second nature.

so too is my de.licio.us account. [gentle reader, you should know, i'm the kind of nerdy soul who has a whole file cabinet devoted to folders of esoteric information like edible wild plants, and oliver sacks'-like case histories of neurological anomalies] this is quickly becoming an indispensable tool in my geeky learning-lovin' bag of tech tricks.

i sure could have used an online bookmarking site that time i lost my favorite calvin pelorian project link about the namennayo cats:

i imagine certain things like zoho writer will come in handy as i prepare to go back to school, but beyond any speculation, i know already, that having been given the structured imperative to explore, and the chance to play with a number of emerging technologies has deconstructed some the overwhelming mystery that had in the past caused me pause in learning new ways of doing things.

and so, to come full circle...and back to my first blog posting, and that 7 1/2 thing: it is play that has been my greatest teacher. in that light, i really liked this format. i'm so pleased we all were given the opportunity to work our way through and discover so much on our own.

on the other hand, if there could be any improvement, i know in my building alone, there were quite a few who have fallen behind because exploring in a virtual medium is not second nature to them...i'm proud of a good many around here, who at times, have asked me for help...and still ventured on their own to keep up. still...i think, if there is going to be a system-wide project...it might help to have the project's coordinators onsite at each location at least once to answer any questions along the way. i think each location's facilitators might have been a little overwhelmed with the number of staff who needed some assistance these last few weeks. maybe one sit-down session at each branch where everyone could ask their questions in a group and a little more time to work through [the final projects especially] could have been helpful.

lastly, if offered the chance to participate in another exploration project like this one, i'd be thrilled to! in all, it has been a great deal of fun for me...and i feel i've been given the chance to employ skills that will broaden my utility at work and continue to prove worthwile as the tide of technology shifts more toward a more virtual web 2.0 reality.

and so, the end, never sounded so good.
here's the song "23" - by blonde redhead

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