31 October, 2008

yet the Lord of both worlds will enter there.

photo by RayDS

The Mirror
(from The Secret Rose Garden)

Your eye has not strength enough
to gaze at the burning sun,
but you can see its burning light
by watching its reflection
mirrored in the water.

So the reflection of Absolute Being
can be viewed in the mirror of Not-Being,
for nonexistence, being opposite Reality,
instantly catches its reflection.

Know the world from end to end is a mirror;
in each atom a hundred suns are concealed.
If you pierce the heart of a single drop of water,
from it will flow a hundred clear oceans;
if you look intently at each speck of dust,
in it you will see a thousand beings.
A gnat in its limbs is like an elephant;
in name a drop of water resembles the Nile.
In the heart of a barleycorn is stored a hundred harvests.
Within a millet-seed a world exists.
In an insects wing is an ocean of life.
A heaven is concealed in the pupil of an eye.
The core at the center of the heart is small,
yet the Lord of both worlds will enter there.

-Mahmud Shabistari
English version by Florence Lederer

30 October, 2008

le bon mot du jour: read while studying hawk medicine.

"The destiny of all humankind is to awaken from their spiritual amnesia and re-align with the original intention of their soul."

- Sayahda -

29 October, 2008

27 October, 2008

refrigerator round-up: or what to do with leftover fondue veggies.

i'm famished tonight. truly. it's beyond hungry for me. it's an overly tired exhausted ache in my belly ... and i've ridden my bike over an hour and nearly ten miles to come home ready to chew on my thumb for relief. i've thought about food a lot today ... maybe to preoccupy my mind from other more weighty things ... maybe to absorb newfound energy via mental osmosis ... maybe because cooking for me is a passionate expression of art and i need some creative release. whatever the case, i'm truly happy with what i've devised. i have an overflowing fridger right now [thank G-d for the blessing], but it's little bits of chopped vegetables and things nearing their prime [and ... i cannot waste a thing ... thrifty mcgee, that's me]

after this weekend's fondue party, i was left with a seeming trillion quart-sized bags of steamed and/or chopped veggies. an odd pairing and odd amounts. but after a few moments of contemplating the sitch with my noodle, this is what i came up with.

to die [happily] for hodge-podge quesadillas

here's the
what i started with ... what i did with them:

various peppers cut in strips ... red, yellow, and orange ... chopped finely
little triangles of zucchini ... chopped finely
steamed baby potatoes ... chopped finely
mixed wild and red rice ... [from some other kitchen concoction, leftover]

add to that:
the tiniest bit of red onion ... chopped finely
half of a 15 oz. can of roman beans ...mashed slightly
fresh feta cheese ... crumbled
3 high protein tortillas just past their best by date, slightly stale ... even better for that crisp baked yum to come


now ... potatoes, rice, beans, tortillas??? sound like a lot to manage? i realized, the secret was restraint. placing the slightly stale tortilla round in a 9 x 6 baking dish, i lightly assembled an amount of each ingredient starting with the beans and then the rice, following with a splotch of veggies, and ending with the feta. and then rolled all three laying them side by side in pregnant glory. topping each with a little ladle of leftover organic salsa nearing its prime in my fridger, i scattered the remaining veggies on top of the red sauce and finished with a flourish of feta. into the oven on 375 for approximately 20 minutes, or until my house smelled unbearably delicious, i baked them until each tortilla was just beginning to golden.

holy moly, rolly quesadillas! they were good. i wished i could've shared 'em with you.

each morning.

the birds sing each morning.
surely, they have something to teach

26 October, 2008

dear G-d!! decadent good [for you] -ness shake.

meandering through my sunday afternoon, i'm past that time for lunch...and not quite at that time for dinner ... i'm not really hungry, and don't want to snack ... but i have that craving for something to give me energy and satisfy the desire for something tasty ... i think i came up with just the thing.

ingredients and directions:

1 cup chocolate unsweetened almond milk
4 tbs hemp protein powder
2 tbs dark cacoa powder
1 tbs chia seeds
2 tbs agave nectar

give a whir in a blender and drink with a rich, sweet smile on your face.
mmmm, mmmm good!

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