11 June, 2011

why we are all precious.

Sparkling Sunset

"Scientists find universe awash in tiny diamonds" *

But haven't we always known?
The shimmer of trees, the shaking of flames
every cloud lined with something
clean water sings
right to the belly
scouring us with its purity
it too is awash with diamonds

"so small that trillions could rest
on the head of a pin"

It is not unwise then to say
that the air is hung close with diamonds
that we breathe diamond
our lungs hoarding, exchanging
our blood sowing them rich and thick
along every course it takes
Does this explain
why some of us are so hard
why some of us shine
why we are all precious

that we are awash in creation
spumed with diamonds
shot through with beauty
that survived the deaths of stars

(*quotations found in a newspaper clipping on the subject)

- Pat Mayne Ellis

from "Cries of the Spirit" Beacon Press
Copyrighted material, for educational/therapeutic purposes only.

photo by Vibrant Spirit Nick Perla

08 June, 2011

Silence first makes us pilgrims.
Secondly, silence guards the fire within.
Thirdly, silence teaches us
how to speak.

- Henri Nouwen
"The Way of the Heart"

05 June, 2011

to be natural is to be holy.

A beautiful phrase of Hegel's is...
"Die Wunden des Geistes heilen, ohne dass Narben bleiben";

"The wounds of the spirit heal and leave no scars."

There is healing for each of our wounds, but this healing is waiting in the indirect, oblique, and nonanalytic side of our nature.

We need to be mindful of where we are damaged,
Then invite our deeper soul in its night-world to heal this wounded tissue,
renew us,
and bring us back into unity.

If we approach our hurt indirectly and kindly,
it will heal.

Creative expectation brings you healing and renewal.
If you could trust your soul,
you would receive every blessing you require.

Life itself is the
great sacrament
through which we are
wounded and healed.

If we live everything,
life will be faithful to us.

- from "Anam Cara" by John O'Donohue -

:: i had originally posted this somewhere on 13 august, 2008 ... and recently came across it. still, it bears repeating.

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