28 September, 2011

le bon mot du jour: wear your truth. beautifully.

Old Farmer

"I often think of beauty in a song (a thing that disappears as soon as you hear it) or in a fleeting view of a landscape, which renews itself (we hope), or of the kinds of objects that sometimes become even more beautiful as they age and begin to show signs of wear and tear. My friend C says the same thing sometimes happens with people--some of them grow into their faces, for example, looking merely childlike when young, and not that interesting, but becoming more themselves as they begin to show some age. They're not really beautiful when young, at least not deeply."

-excerpted from "Bicycle Diaries" by David Byrne

photo made available for artistic consideration by:Chris Willis

1 comment:

loubird said...

i am listening to this book on my ipod- david reads it and there are bits of songs and sounds of cities and stuff. i love the way this book about biking covers so much.

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