25 September, 2011

le bon mot du jour: where?

Where's the spirit that awakens you?
Where's the spirit that wants you to search, find out?
There's a passage in the Psalms,

"Yismach lev m'vakshei Hashem"

[Joyful are those who seek God, not those who found God.]

[ ... ]

Where are you, God? Where are you hiding?

So they tell the Hasidic story of the two kids who were playing hide and seek and one kid hid and then he started crying. So they said, "What's the matter?"

"No one's looking for me."

Now you know how God feels. We're not looking.

I don't know what God is, the being of God, but I know it's a shattering experience. It opens you to the world. It takes you out of your narcissistic ego trip and says, look, see the other. Show strength through compassion, through love, not through violence.

- Rabbi David Hartman

as presented in the transcript of
"Opening up Windows"
radio broadcast of "On Being" with
Krista Tippett

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