30 July, 2008


breathing in. i take in all of the uncertainty...for everyone all over the world whose life seems beyond their grasp right now. in this moment.
breathing out. i offer peace. the peace that passes understanding. may it flood each and every person's heart. right now. may they be content to just sit with what is.

breathing in. i take in everyone who is facing a seeming insurmountable task or instability. right now.
breathing out. i acknowledge with them. for them. that everything will come together. just. as it should.

breathing in. i take in every heartache for everyone who is brokenhearted.
breathing out. i offer comfort...like a warm wash. may love and peace flood their soul.

breathing in. i take in everyone whose heart gets caught up racing ahead with fear or insecurity about their future.
breathing out. i rest with them. for them. in this sacred moment. now/here.

om mani padme hum.
om mani padme hum.
om mani padme hum.

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