17 June, 2008

la sixième semaine - 14e chose. Technorati.

[Protesters at a candlelight vigil on a street leading to the U.S. embassy and the presidential Blue House in central Seoul on Tuesday. (Lee Gwang-ho/Newsis, via Reuters) ]

still working on the 6th week of my list of web 2.0 technologies to explore for work, and i've been assigned to navigate the monster that is technorati. at the time i completed the first discovery exercise for this task and searched for how many blogs linked to our library's website, there were a total of 74 listed reactions. as others have observed, it seems the PBCLS's Mousing Around Tutorial is a hot commodity on the web!

Searching then blogs with the tags of web 2.0, there were listed 29,764 postings in English only blogs with authority...the apparent search default. searching through blogs with any authority [or none] in any language yielded 65,057 postings tagged web 2.0. it seems kind of surprising that there are so few given its prevalence as a buzz word of late. perhaps not everyone is tagging their blog posts [or tracked by technorati]. one of the most interesting related tags i found were postings highlighting the phenomena of 'protest 2.0'. not entirely unused to the concept, i immediately reflected on certain tidbits of 'technology as survival' i've been made aware of just this last year:

for instance text [or sms] messaging being used to keep abreast of civil unrest in kenya, and alternately, to stoke the fires of hatred post the disputed elections there.

or, blogging as a bastion of free-speech in a state ruled by a politically oppressive regime: see NPR's segment on Cuban Yoani Sanchez's blog.

web 2.0 was also instrumental in organising protests to the Olympic torch both here in America and abroad.

but, i think the most remarkable recent use of protest 2.0 can be seen in South Korean's protest to beef imports from the U.S. which reportedly threatened to topple the government there.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Hey again,

hey there, I'm sort of crappy at my blog here I hate the bright green background and would rather have something less disgusting and eye destroying. You seem to have a nice background. How did you do that? As thanks here's a great youtube video. I guess the South Korean government is always on the verge of being overthrowsn.


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