12 June, 2008

la sixième semaine - 13e chose. Del.icio.us. Folksonomies & Social Tagging.


how do i love thee? i cannot count the ways.
but i can tag them and stumble into a mind-bending alterna-reality where others have tagged my same sites.

the possibilities are endless!

i had seen the little Del.icio.us icon ... in the sidebars next to various news stories online. i had noticed it had recently shown up as a share this function on sites like myspace blogs, but i had never really taken the time to figure out how to use it ... [yowsa!] ... i can't believe i've been missing out for so long! how nice to have something that functions kind of like a photobucket, but for information.

it's funny too, because after getting my laptop last january, i had sat up late into the night trying to recall those all-important bookmarks i have saved on my PC at work. [little did i know] i think it's brilliant to save your bookmarks to a remote, nebulous virtual realm where they can be accessed from any location...not just one specific computer. mobility is certainly the bullet train into the future, and i for one am glad to hop aboard the folksonomy caboose. true. it's informal. and idiosyncratic. but it piques my sociologist's heart with its interesting glimpse into the thoughts and wonders of others.

i must admit that this is the first time i've seen the great benefit of tagging. i like the hopscotch approach to discovery that it can present. this may have been my favorite exercise thus far.

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