10 June, 2008

la cinquième semaine - 12e chose. webfeat. [not the one about a duck]

okay. though i much adore cindy-lou, aka The Gluten Free Diva's assessment of webfeat = defeat, i really, really tried to give this one a fair shake. i really thought i'd like the service of webfeat and imagined it to function something like a dogpile of our library's various databases.

but...what should have made research faster quickly proved to be mired in functionality for me. at first, i thought it was merely my internet connection at home. but even here at work, it became clear that the search process can yield such a monolithic list of hits that i became more familiar with the loverly: internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close...love letter, than the actual merits of a one-stop shop search engine.

in theory i can see the benefits, but in order to use it for research, i think it works best if you think to parse your query not by what you are looking for, but for what you are not looking for.

for instance, when i was looking information on my hometown, i was not looking for:

"Laser-assisted anterior cervical corpectomy versus posterior laminoplasty for cervical myelopathic patients with multilevel ossification of the posteriorlongitudinal ligament."

i can quickly see the benefits of de-selecting certain databases in order to narrow down your search. i think i will have to experiment with this tool a bit more.

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