06 June, 2008

la cinquième semaine - 11e chose. library thing.

warning all bibliophiles: full-scale addiction possible!

i have long been a member of this social service for those whose castle includes turrets and towers of books, but i must admit, my extremely obsessive-compulsive behaviors soon made the task of cataloguing my own library of titles an overwhelming undertaking that i quickly abandoned. [the last time i moved it took me 45 boxes...what else can you expect from a girl who's made a lifetime of working with books]...

... for those of you who know me…and have seen how books skirt the rafters [literally] in my home…you know i have each library arranged according to order. not. by dewey decimal...but by my own intrinsic set of order: ie. Native American studies...Anthropology...World Religions...Meditation...Music Theory...Linguistics...Buddhist Studies...Cooking...Natural and Alternative Health...History...Art Technique...Art Monograph...Fiction...Poetry...Poetry Technique...Math and Science.

Sadly, my free membership reached the 200th volume max before i had even finished the downstairs collection. and some of my favorite books, natch, are upstairs!

guess i'm going to have to join and purchase a cuecat!

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