06 June, 2008

10e chose. image generator. redux.

technical jargon: i am not generally a fan of image generators. but i do love that fortune cookie one which i found ... here.

as i have discovered with nearly every generator i have e'er encountered ... it was rife with bugs and flibbertigibets. it took me nearly 4 tries to come up with an abbreviated synopsis of the real fortune cookie message which is decidely more positive and less ominous:

"there are many unexpected & thrilling surprises in store for you!!"

the original image generator i had tried was even less satisfying as it blotted out portions of the image. no. fun.

from the great French humanist philosopher Michel de Montaigne:

Mais les belles ames, ce sont les ames universelles, ouvertes, et prestes à tout : si non instruites, au moins instruisables...
...in other words your degree does NOT guarantee you're smart!

- an important reminder in a system that tends to undervalue the intelligence and skill set of a large number of staff members who may not have necessarily had the life experience and opportunity to achieve their degree, but can be self-motivated life learners with something valuable or downright revolutionary to share, nonetheless -

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