07 November, 2009


Thank You,
{Great Ineffable}
For each breath
For the dawn
For the pinprick stars of Light
in the heaven of night that show me
We all have our place in the Dance
Thank You,
For today
For Each Moment
In this body
Every cell
Every unseen place
Is thoroughly known to You
I do not Fear
There is not a physician
Who can begin to comprehend
All You have made
And You have made me
And in me
You. Live.
And move
And have Your being
And all that i am
All that i see
All that exists
Is in You
Therefore, i awake
And greet the sun
Mindful that
As i walk about today
All That Is,
Is in You

There is Your Great Mystery
Knit together with my bones
Pump my heart
Breathe my lungs
Sing my body
To praise You

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