15 September, 2008

a neurotic nellie's ode to her lunchbox.

i like tiffin tins. how smartly they fit together. i like their compact utility. it appeals to my neurotic sensibilities. i like that you don't have to worry about bisphenol a or pvcs leaching into your foods from petroleum based plastics. i like that it minimizes packaging and waste. i like that it can weather being bungeed to my bike. i like being creative in such a small space. i like mostly that it is traditional and Indian and simple. i wanted a tiffin tin for a very long time. naturally, since i haven't yet been to India, when i finally found them here in the States [unexpectedly], i bought 3: a triple decker, smaller, and smallest...and i feel. every. day. i use them, they are a small wonder to be celebrated. enjoy. and bon appetite.

Please survey the tiny glory that is a tiffin tin lunch HERE.

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