24 September, 2008

the body remembers what the heart, with grace, wills to forget.

Today. It's painful.
The memory of how I trusted her so completely.
That night she came home at dawn.
The ten thousand ways she shattered my heart;
Sometimes I feel the prick of each shard.
Those endless moments of dying,
Of watching her heart cool to stone.
I loved her still, but love, for her was too much.
[Perfect Love casts out all fear.]
But she, she chose fear instead.


FightLikeAGirl said...

did you walk, so bravely, to my house soon after?

the sleepy pianist said...

yes, it was then.
[you were one of the only places i knew it was wholly safe...safe for my heart, safe for her...you would not judge...to turn]

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