05 August, 2008


breathing in. i take in all who are physically weary this morning...whose heart's hurts have made them tired.
breathing out. may a sense of strength and peace from deep within rise to comfort and grant them grace for today.

breathing in. i take in all who find themselves in the midst of great and unexpected change. who are not certain what direction their life is to take or even what step to take from this moment.
breathing out. may they pause in this pure place of unattachment to any foreseen outcome. may they feel the deep peace and wisdom of not-knowing. may they sit past the noise until the place where everything becomes clear

breathing in. i take in all who have been undone...shattered in a million pieces like a great window, broken.
breathing out. may each tiny, broken piece of them exponentially reflect the light. may the beauty of the magnitude of glory that filters through such vulnerable transparency transform their vision...and sanctify their life, even as they are refashioned.

om mani padme hum.
om mani padme hum.
om mani padme hum.

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