23 July, 2008

le bon mot du jour: because the Universe has more breath than we do.

moine shaolin by isabel munoz

was reading by my familiar midnight light, "The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja" by Ross Heaven, and stumbled onto this expression of a universal truth that keeps coming before me. it's like the words ring true in my spirit, and still...i keep receiving the message until i can live the embodiment of their reality. for the ninja, a loss of meaning was one form of kuro [or suffering], and facing his shadow in an acceptance of this soul fatigue was essential to overcoming it and entering into a time of major breakthrough and life change.

When you are hopeless, give up hope.
When you are humilated, let go of pride and choose humility.
When you are disillusioned, de-illusion.
When you are holding on to what you know, let go and
surrender to what is about to become.

- Dina Glouberman-

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