02 July, 2008

la septième semaine - 17e chose. PBCLS sandbox wiki.

well then, i've been to the PBCLSwiki sandbox, and left my footprints firmly planted there. it was interesting to see what all of my co-workers favorite favorites were...as instructed, i posted my blog. and found the other 2 easiest sections to post in were favorite restaurants [i love to eat] and animals. *a disclaimer: if i had attempted favorite music, i fear i would have derailed the whole train...my list would have been ex-ten-sive.*

feel free to take a visit and see what i - and my coworkers - are up to when we are not at work. people who know me will automatically know which favorites are mine. care to take a guess?

1 comment:

the sleepy pianist said...

ps. i also added a favorite wine

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