10 July, 2008

la huitième semaine - 19e chose. web 2.0 sites. [or this has got to be my posting with the greatest number of links]

backtracking a little bit from the 20th thing...to the 19th, i thought wandering through Seattle's seomoz's 2008 list of web 2.0 awards was quite the virtual playground. a few sites were old familiars for me: librarything, craigslist [hooo-ray for my $49 roadbike found there], monster, careerbuilder, linkedin, youtube, flickr, and of course - myspace.

and a few i've discovered [thankfully] as a result of our library 2.0 exercises: del.icio.us, bloglines, technorati.

but the most delightful discoveries for me on seomoz's list were: mango languages and livemocha. sure to thrill my latent anthropological linguist's heart for sometime, no doubt.

as for which sites could be most helpful for the library system to employ: i thought miami-dade public library deserved a kudos for listing themselves on going...talk about a hip hangout. wufoo would be helpful for any of the numerous sign-up sheets we might have to have at the ready: just think...a repository for system standards [how professional!]. backpackit could serve endless functions for either the system or individual branch specifics [ie. a universal lunch menu list??...très important!!]. and naturally the geneology websites would be fabulous links on our geneology research homepage.

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