24 June, 2008

thank you, biggity smalls for reminding me...even as i am destroyed, i am healed.

[...in pursuit of wholeness,
i seek wholeness for all others,
what inspired me today...]

In Buddhism it is taught that everything has the power to
heal and cure.
That means that anything we encounter in our lifetimes can serve as beneficial medicine. This is an important concept because it reminds us that so often our well-being is in our own hands.
We can use our environment and our world
to help us heal our hearts and restore our health.
We can be healed by words;
we can be healed by relationships;
we can be healed by medication;
we can be healed by the diet;
we can be healed by friends;
we can be healed by touch and massage;
we can be healed by nature.
Crystals have healing properties as does music.
Prayer helps us heal and visualizations help us heal.
Studies have shown that animals and pets help us heal and shorten recovery periods.
We can be healed by everything we touch and everything that touches us.
We are all healers;
we can learn to heal ourselves;
we can help in the healing of others.
Healing energy takes place through an agency
far greater than, yet immanent in,
each of us.

The healing mantra of the Medicine Buddha is:


Roughly translated, it says:
"Oh healing Buddha, reliever of all suffering,
relieve my pain and all suffering. Relieve the roots of suffering.
So be it!"


- from "Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be" byLama Surya Das -

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