31 May, 2008

la quatrième semaine - 9e chose. real simple syndication.

here we are in week 4 of our exploration into new technologies, and i've been asked to comment on my experience with RSS feeds. in theory, i immediately liked the concept: a sort of one-stop corkboard of messages from my favorite sites, but i immediately saw how it could be overwhelming. at first, i was a little challenged at considering which sites i'd wish to add. i mean, there are the obvious...clips from NPR were a must. but besides my daily update on world events - [the internet's my lifeline, i have no TV] - just what could be so pressing that i'd need a regular bite-sized overview ? other than the news, i regularly visit poet seers; poetry daily; and poetry chaikhana. so far, so good...2 of the 3 had rss feeds. i miss getting the NY Times. was a little befuddled on how to elect which rss feeds from there i couldn't live without. seems that they have oodles for each different section. stumbled across a few pages of xml code and was totally lost. couldn't figure out how to apply them to my bloglines account until i discovered i could add a subbloglines button to my favorites on internet explorer [thanks cindy lou!] and everything got a whole bunch easier. also...i noticed, once i stumbled across a few blogs i liked: 101 cookbooks; bike commute daily...that i could look at the public subscribers to each of those sites and peruse their favorite blogs...now the possibilities are endless [even if it makes me feel like a creepy voyeur]. i previously hadn't considered myself in the know enough to subscribe to what i'd be interested in, and now i don't have enough hours in the day to browse.

good news is, i'm currently transitioning from vegetarian to vegan/raw vegan...and the research for recipes, etc. has been greatly simplified by rss. [i even found a local chapter of the slow food movement] also, am making the shift from dependency on the ab$$$urd price of gasoline to self-propelled transport: ie, pedalpower...a feat made easier with several blogs i've stumbled across and now can keep abreast of, thanks to rss.

oh yeah, and one last thing: how come our library system doesn't have any rss feeds??

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