04 June, 2008

may it be me.

I've been reading a lot of Carl Jung's theories of individuation and the journeys we each make to whole and integrated adults...and I like his theory of the collective unconscious...as I understand it. Somehow the romantic, idealist in me likes to think that...every smile I proffer to the old [maybe terribly slow] woman in line ahead of me at the grocer's creates a ripple effect of goodwill and compassion and shift toward patience throughout the whole of the world.

It's like the scientific studies that have measured when a crossword puzzle or some other standard of measurement is submitted to one study group, the second and later group given the same puzzle completes it uniformly faster than the first group...and vice-versa.

It's as though the knowledge has been entered into humanity's collective mind bank, and is now somehow 'out there', where people can psychically or unconsciously pick up on it.

It causes me to think, each day – If one of us finds the answers and chooses to do right...…it affects and influences others to do the same.

Il est intéressant, n'est-ce pas?

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