30 June, 2008

la sixième semaine - 15e chose. Web 2.0.

okay. i must admit.
i've been mired for a small bit in reading our assignments for

week 6 - thing 15 - web 2.0.

and it's difficult for me to adequately express the complexity of issues that rise to the forefront when i consider all that a concept of library 2.0 could comprise.

it's interesting that within our own system, the range of opinions can be downright polarizing: from the static, predictable, staid caution of "wait and see" to the more progressive awareness that if we do not change with the times, then we will cease to become relevant to mainstream culture.

while the purist in me has a hard time envisioning moving away from building a physical collection of items as presented in OCLC's 'Away from Icebergs' article...[of course, that concept would make a girl shudder who owns nearly 4,000 cds and almost 2 thousand books]...i know the trend towards information [our stock and trade] is virtual and digital...i subsequently found rather amusing the thoughts presented by Dr. Wendy Schulz in her article "To a Temporary Place in Time" as she imagines the pendulum swing through library 2.0 through 3.0 to the nostalgia of a library 4.0 as a reprieve from the technohustle and a place that functions more like a salon and knowledge spa.

i think some interesting watermarks of change with regards to an awareness of how emerging technology is altering our time-honored traditions is the recent Obama-McCain Twitter presidential debate on technology and government. could it be the the blogosphere is finally bringing about the hope for equanimity in society that Thomas Paine envisioned? it was his championing of free access to printing presses and subsequent pamphleteering that helped inspire our own American Revolution after all.

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