12 June, 2008

all i can say is...

...i love friends who come back to work
to pick up my bicycle-riding-stranded self
in the midst of a late-afternoon thunderstorm,
and who treat me to homemade
chickpea flour pizza before making sure
i'm delivered home safe and dry.

[i am truly a fortunate girl]


cindylou said...

that's what friends are for, sounds like you are one who deserves the type of friends you have and would the same for said friend; espcially one who shares the same "unconventional" food tastes.

majick cat said...

I desire love for myself and for my brothers and sisters whom I love. It is not possible that I can have it without them, or they without me.
We are all connected.
Yet I can share it now, today.
And so I choose this instant that love may descend upon the earth and bring us all peace.

(paraphrased from A Course in Miracles)


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