31 May, 2008

a personal [2 wheeled] revolution.

in that quirky way the universe smiles upon you when you are simply pursuing your passions. it made me smile to recently discover that the week starting may 12 was National Bike Month.

it intrigued me, because that monday, may 12 which was the kick-off of a national event to promote the reduction of pollution and solidarity and resistance to the culture of consumption and gas prices which are currently drowning every jane Q public, was the day i brought my recent Craigslist find of a roadbike to the local bike shop to be renovated.
24 hours later [for le$$ money than i had feared] my bike was roadworthy...and i received kudos from the shop owner Stan for my find of a yokota merced hybrid for a mere $49.
my intention this year was to begin commuting by bike to work. it's approximately 10 miles one way...which isn't much of a distance, truly...i've walked that sometimes in my latenight-past-all-streetlights rambling walkabouts sometimes. but it's an altogether different scenario by light of day in this area of Great Suburbia where everyone jumps in their cars to drive to the local market for their daily bread.
i've driven the distance - my regular route - now, for the last few months planning where i would cross the major thoroughfares and avoid the worst morning rush hour. it's no small feat. i work on one of the most major intersections in my area. and the drivers in this town are NOT conditioned to be cogniscent of cyclists...or pedestrians.

i've made a few trial runs the half distance, and am somewhat surprised at how quickly it takes to make a distance of 5 or so miles. there are times now when i am driving and stuck behind some dangerously distracted slow driver that i wish i was on two wheels [even though my MINI cooper is an absolute joy].

tomorrow is the first trial run that i make the distance. i figure a sunday run will give me a good idea of the path that is best. it's remarkably more visceral to pedal your way to a destination. what is a yawn of a drive by car is incredibly bumpy by bike. i am building callouses on my rump even while learning which intersections to stand and lean into.

so why commute by bike when it's virtually unheard of here in traffic-ville? and when i already drive one of the greenest cars that isn't a hybrid?

as i stated to a group of my coworkers this week:

1] it's good for the environment, and i figure since i know my co-workers love me, my inevitable stanky-ness once i get to work won't be a problem.
[they assured me i was DEAD wrong]

2] it's a practical way to get in a daily workout...calorie burning=more grilled cheese each week...until i go raw, that is. oh yeah, did i mention it was good for the environment??

3] it's in keeping with my list of aspirations for the year...toward which i am well on my way.
[my plan for the year. you can see here]. many of which were in keeping with living mindful of my ecological footprint...so embracing the counterculture of cycling revolution is just one more step.

[if all goes well....monday starts my new morning routine...i figure it'll take me an hour longer to get to work, but it'll give me plenty of time to appreciate the scenery of my hometown and think about the bigger lunches i'll enjoy when i get there]

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